Data Privacy and Web Security:                                                    

Collecting and Using Personal Information

We collect personal information (name, email, title, and organization addresses) for program communication and customization purposes. We respect your privacy and do not sell or share your contact information without your consent. 

Email and Communication

We use your email to send program updates, resources, and relevant information. You can opt out or customize your communication preferences at any time.

Cyber-Security Measures

We prioritize cybersecurity through password encryption methods and use security as a criterion when selecting vendors. For example, we use encrypted team passwords to protect members from unauthorized access. We also contract with platforms adhering to cybersecurity best practices, which may include data encryption, intrusion detection, and firewalls. Moreover, we require team members and contractors to use secure socket layer (SSL) encryption, two-factor authentication, regular security patches, and firewalls. We have a multi-faceted security workflow that includes regular review of our domain, web host, email servers, and API integrations. 

Avoid Phishing Attempts

Please safeguard your personal and financial information by refraining from sharing it with external websites during registration or interaction with our program. With the increasing prevalence of global phishing incidents, always ensure that you are on the correct URLs and platforms. If you encounter unfamiliar URLs during your process, either return to the original webpage or close it entirely. Remain vigilant when accessing any website, email, or text, as phishing attempts can vary in their vary in their subtlety and appearance. Stay alert and protect yourself from potential threats.

Survey and Other Data

Our Basic Membership license grants educators single-use rights for one instructor to access or consult many of our educational materials for free for one term or class. This license encompasses information in the Monthly GUP Newsletter, seasonal campaigns, and linked content. Aside from sharing the Monthly GUP (Green UpSkill Newsletter), we kindly request that educators or other members who wish to share materials with broader groups (classes of students, peers, whole schools, systems) or over longer timeframes (beyond one quarter or semester) secure a license for broader or longer-term use. Different membership levels provide varying degrees of sharing and access to resources over various timeframes. We encourage teachers to share materials based on the license associated with their membership category.

Terms (Copyrights, Licensing, Use of Materials)                        


US and international copyright laws protect all materials created by Green Teach for Opportunity. Our organization does not operate under open-source rights for our materials. All content provided is subject to specific licensing terms outlined in our membership agreements unless specified otherwise in writing. This requirement ensures proper citation and controlled sharing based on membership levels. It also allows us to incentivize teacher participation in campaigns by providing exclusive resources. We greatly appreciate your understanding and commitment to respecting these licensing terms.


Our Basic Membership license grants educators single-use rights for one instructor to access or consult many of our educational materials for free for one term or class. This license encompasses information in the Monthly GUP Newsletter, seasonal campaigns, and linked content. Aside from sharing the Monthly GUP (Green UpSkill Newsletter), we kindly request that educators or other members who wish to share materials with broader groups (classes of students, peers, whole schools, systems) or over longer timeframes (beyond one quarter or semester) secure a license for broader or longer-term use. Different membership levels provide varying degrees of sharing and access to resources over various timeframes. We encourage teachers to share materials based on the license associated with their membership category.

Organizational Principles and Practices                                      


We minimize waste, encourage local businesses, and prioritize other eco-friendly practices. For example, we:

  • Estimate and offset our computing and server carbon footprint;
  • Reduce the need for printed materials by providing digital copies of most materials;
  • Use low or no-chlorine bleaching methods, low-VOC ink, and high post-consumer content or alternative fibers whenever possible when printing is necessary;
  • Encourage the use of public transport or shared vehicles when attending team events or commuting, while encouraging work-from-home options;
  • Seek third-party vetted eco-seals and standards for events, travel, building spaces, energy systems, materials, food and beverage items, and more;
  • Partner with local hubs to reduce the need for unnecessary flight miles and
  • Provide solar lamps, when possible, to augment local office lighting.

Equity and Diversity

Our consulting project managers and other team members hail from many regions of the world. Compensation reflects a commitment to fairness and sustainable living across our international team. We celebrate diverse backgrounds, fostering an inclusive environment for all participants.

Safety and Engagement

Our engagement is exclusively with adult teachers or students over 18 years old. We are vigilant in reporting any evidence of human trafficking or employment of minors and conduct background checks on contractors. We look for contractors that have met the ILFI's JUST label or similar guidelines, optimizing working conditions for employees. We prioritize a safe and respectful space for all participants to collaborate and learn. Although we do not control contractors' spaces or time, we regularly provide information about ergonomics in working spaces, encourage breaks for exercise and meals, and support contractual time off for family and vacations.

Ethical Guidelines

Our ethical principles ensure all interactions are grounded in honesty and integrity. Ethical considerations for people and our planet are at the core of every decision we make as an organization.

Collaboration and Teamwork

We highly value collaboration and mutual support among contractors, advisors, members, and other constituents worldwide across myriad political, philosophical, religious, and cultural traditions. Continuous feedback, learning, and improvement foster better outcomes for green skills education, sustainable business systems, individual and organizational emotional intelligence (EI), and cultural literacy. Collaboration enhances the quality of our program materials and strengthens our community. The role of the program's Global Advisory Council and the "Listening Cycle" are examples of this commitment in practice.

Transparency and Accountability

We aim for transparent and equitable decision-making processes. Advisors, contractors, and others help to identify priority areas for further detail. Advisory input helps maintain transparency and accountability by offering diverse perspectives on program decisions. As the initiative grows, we will also report in international reporting systems.

Evaluation and Improvement

We regularly evaluate program effectiveness and make necessary improvements to enhance the participant experience. Feedback includes advisory council sessions, circulated drafts with input forms, 1:1 conference calls for input, weekly and daily input sessions, and incorporating Disqus and similar mechanisms for discussion and questions. Feedback from participants is crucial in shaping our ongoing improvements and, most importantly, ensuring that our offerings are relevant for teachers, graduates, and employers seeking green talent.

Resource Allocation

We ensure we allocate resources such as funding, materials, and support equitably to ensure fairness across types of institutions and regions. We also utilize resources efficiently to maximize the impact of our initiatives. For example, we use state-of-the-art SaaS systems to ensure timely outreach, delivery, and follow-up.

Citations and Originality

We meticulously credit sources, consult licensing terms, and contact artists and authors directly. Our content primarily consists of original research and conclusions drawn from a blend of primary and secondary sources.

Our core research and writing are undertaken by human experts who invest countless hours conducting interviews, analyzing organizational content, and deriving insights to aid educators in navigating the nuanced realm of sustainability content and skills.

Use of AI

While AI/LLMs help with proofreading and generating novel angles and subtitles, they presently possess limited content related to sustainability, particularly in taxonomy and standards. Our efforts to enrich our lists, examples, and taxonomies often lead to duplications or incorrect information from LLMs. In a sense, we contribute to the training of AI models. Nevertheless, AI models help in several respects but do not substitute for the human curation and effort that are core to our work.

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